IB Diploma Film

The diploma course in film aims to develop students as proficient interpreters and makers of film texts. Students study and analyse the film texts through practical exercises in film production. The students develop critical abilities and their appreciation of artistic, cultural, historical and global perspectives in film.Students examine film concepts, theories, practices and ideas from multiple perspectives, challenging their own viewpoints and biases in order to understand and value those of others. In this course, students experiment with film and multimedia technology, acquiring the skills and creative competencies required to successfully communicate through the language of the medium. They develop an artistic voice and learn how to express personal perspectives through film. The course draws on the importance of working collaboratively and focuses on the international and intercultural dynamic that triggers and sustains contemporary film, while fostering in students an appreciation of the development of film across time, space and culture.

Source: IBDP Film Guide 2019

MODULES : View - Register - Learn

In this module, students learn the following important film theories and movements. The knowledge and skills developed in this module can be applied to make informed choices for the components – textual analysis, comparative study and film production roles (film portfolio). The following film theories and movement will be studied using selected films. Upon registration, you will receive a list of film titles, scenes, tracks and links (URL) to watch certain sections for discussions.

  • British New Wave
  • French New Wave
  • German Expressionism
  • Cinema de look
  • Korean New Wave
  • Italian Neorealism
  • Hollywood and New Hollywood
  • Postmodernism and
  • poststructuralism
  • Auteur theory
  • Feminist film theory
  • Soviet Montage Theory
  • Marxist theory and films
  • Psychological film theory
  • Film Genres

Duration of the module: 20 hours (10 sessions of 2 hours each)
Fee: SGD 800/-
Mode of Teaching: Online
How to enrol: Fill in the form and submit for slots and payment details CLICK HERE

In this module, students learn two important aspects of film analysis: cultural context and film elements. A film is treated as a text for study. Students will study the following topics and develop skills that help them to apply to analyse a film or a section of a film as per assessment requirements for textual analysis. The following topics will be studied using selected films and scenes. Upon registration, you will be sent a list of film titles, scenes, tracks and links (URL) to watch certain sections for study and discussions.

Cultural Context:Economic, Geographical, Historical, Institutional, Political, Social, Technological

Film Elements:

  • Cinematograph: camera placement, colour, composition, exposure, framing, focus scale,
  • Movement: 40+ important shot types and angles
  • Critical response and reception
  • 30+ Important Editing techniques: continuity, cut, dissolve, match, montage, pace, transition etc
  • Filmmakers’ influences, intentions and vision
  • Genre, codes and conventions
  • Mise-en-scène: acting and figure behaviour, art direction, costume and makeup, décor,
  • lighting, set and setting, space, and so on
  • Motifs, symbols and themes
  • Narrative structure: Classic three act, postmodernism and poststructuralism
  • Sound: dialogue, sound editing, sound effects and Foley, soundtrack and music or score,
  • diegetic and non-diegetic.

Duration of the module: 20 hours (10 sessions of 2 hours each)
Fee: SGD 800/-
Mode of Teaching: Online
How to enrol: Fill in the form and submit for slots and payment details CLICK HERE

This module is suitable for the students who have gained adequate skills and knowledge of topics for textual analysis or completed module 2 but are preparing to write the textual analysis after choosing a film title released by IB. When doing the textual analysis of a selected film title, you need to structure your analysis in the form of an essay in five broad areas as below. In this module, you will engage in discussions on these areas of your chosen film title (particularly the five minutes) and how to structure your essay.

  • Semiotic Analysis
  • Narrative Structure Analysis
  • Contextual Analysis
  • Mise-en-scene Analysis
  • Filmmaker’s choices and Film elements

Duration of the module: 20 hours (10 sessions of 2 hours each)
Fee: SGD 800/-
Mode of Teaching: Online
How to enrol: Fill in the form and submit for slots and payment details CLICK HERE

In this module, the students develop important skills that will be useful in both comparative study and textual analysis components and film production. You will develop the skills that are essential to explain and analyse the dramatic value of filmmakers’ choices and effect on the audience. If you cannot analyse why a particular camera angle or cut or sound track is chosen and to what dramatic value or effect, you will not convince the examiner for a high grade. Therefore, you must gain the knowledge of these production roles and why they make certain choices to create an intended effect on the audience. Though students seem to feel the dramatic value or the effect while watching a movie or a clip, they fail to express the same in writing which is an important skill for portfolios, textual analysis, choosing shots or right material for comparative study and film production to make informed choices. The following topics will be studied using selected films, scenes and clips. Upon registration, you will be sent a list of film titles, scenes, tracks and links (URL) to watch certain sections for study and discussions.

Dramatic value in cinematography
Dramatic value in editing
Dramatic value of directional choices
Dramatic value in mise-en-scene
Dramatic value in lighting choices
Dramatic value in sound and music

Duration of the module: 14 hours (7 sessions of 2 hours each)
Fee: SGD 560/-
Mode of Teaching: Online
How to enrol: Fill in the form and submit for slots and payment details CLICK HERE

This module is suitable for those who are in the knowledge of the topics listed in module 1 or completed module 1. You may also choose to complete these topics in a short course as a part of this module. In this module, students learn to select two film titles and a topic of exploration and assemble the multimedia for ten minutes. Students meet the following objectives:

  • Understand the relevant theories or movements
  • Choosing two film titles
  • Formulating the topic
  • Tagging to an area of exploration
  • Focus on assembling techniques – Criterion C
  • Comparative analysis of the four areas: semiotic analysis, narrative structure analysis, contextual analysis, and mise-en-scene Analysis
  • Drafting voice over
  • Focus on the list of resources to submit
  • Using final cut or Adobe Premiere Pro

Duration of the module: 20 hours ( 10 sessions of 2 hours each)
Fee: SGD 800/-
Mode of Teaching: Online
How to enrol: Fill in the form and submit for slots and payment details CLICK HERE

Students require to develop production role-specific skills and be adept at using related technology to be a filmmaker. You may need to improvise the influences or convert the inspiration into your individual filmmaking style. You also need to understand the industry standards of these roles, essential skills and practices that you can apply to take up a production role. As a part of internal assessment, you must take up at least three production roles from the below and develop relevant knowledge, skills and become adept using related technology in filmmaking. In this module, you can choose three roles and gain knowledge and skills to make three film clips and prepare your portfolio for submission.

Production Role 1: Writer
Production Role 2: Cinematographer
Production Role 3: Editor
Production Role 4: Director
Production Role 5: Sound

Duration of the module: 30 hours (15 sessions of 2 hours each)
Fee: SGD 1200/-
Mode of Teaching: Online
How to enrol: Fill in the form and submit for slots and payment details CLICK HERE

In addition to three film clips and film portfolio at SL level as detailed in module 6, HL students require to make 7 minutes original short film collaboratively. You need to create a team with required production roles and collaborate to make this original short film. You require to develop not only a production role-specific skills but also a director in yourself or a complete filmmaker who knows from writing script to edit the final cut. In this module, you learn the following objectives that meet to make your original film.

  • Creating an original storyline
  • The art of narration and entertaining your audience
  • Writing the script of your story
  • Treatment – how do you treat the script as a director – the vision
  • Creating visuals via storyboarding
  • Choosing your artists
  • Choosing your team and how to collaborate?
  • Scouting the locations
  • Choosing your locations
  • Creating schedules
  • Planning and rehearsals
  • Budgeting the project under 500 dollars
  • Equipment that matters – using limited resources
  • On the set – shorts per day and 3 take formula
  • Collaboration with SCEW and CREW
  • Writing the report for submission
  • Creating the list of resources

Duration of the module: 20 hours (10 sessions of 2 hours each)
Fee: SGD 800/-
Mode of Teaching: Online
How to enrol: Fill in the form and submit for slots and payment details CLICK HERE

If you have attempted your textual analysis of the chosen film, a good feedback will help you to improve it further. Our team of assessors would mark it and give feedback in three areas: strengths and weaknesses and suggestions for improvements. If you would like to know the areas to improve, send us the copy, we shall send the feedback in 48 hours. If you would like to receive feedback orally, we shall schedule an interactive session online. Remember – you do not need to worry. Your analysis will be safe with us! We understand the value of your hard work and IB policy of academic honesty.

Fee: SGD 100/-
Mode of Delivery: Assessor’s Comments in PDF through email/interactive session
How to enrol: Fill in the form and submit for slots and payment details CLICK HERE

If you have assembled the multimedia and created the list of resources used, a good feedback will help you to improve it further. Our team of assessors would watch the two films and your multimedia and give feedback in three areas: strengths and weaknesses and suggestions for improvements. If you would like to know the areas to improve, send us the mp4 file, we shall send the feedback in 48 hours. If you would like to receive feedback orally, we shall schedule an interactive session online. Remember – you do not need to worry. Your work will be safe with us! We understand the value of your hard work and IB policy of academic honesty.

Fee: SGD 100/-
Mode of Delivery: Assessor’s Comments in PDF through email/interactive session
How to enrol: Fill in the form and submit for slots and payment details CLICK HERE

If you have filmed the three clips and drafted a portfolio, a good feedback will help you to improve it further. Our team of assessors would watch the clips, analyse them and feedback in three areas: strengths and weaknesses and suggestions for improvements. If you would like to know the areas to improve, send us the clips in mp4 file format and portfolio document, we shall send the feedback in 48 hours. If you would like to receive feedback orally, we shall schedule an interactive session online. Remember – you do not need to worry. Your work will be safe with us! We understand the value of your hard work and IB policy of academic honesty.

Fee: SGD 100/-
Mode of Delivery: Assessor’s Comments in PDF through email/interactive session
How to enrol: Fill in the form and submit for slots and payment details CLICK HERE